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Open mouth insert foot...

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16 We have all had a time in our lives where the most unfortunate things have come out of our mouths, and a coworker of mine had one recently, that while it caused an immediate cringe, could be looked back upon later with a chuckle, because we've ALL done it.

We had a successful post code, drowning victim that was lethargic but oriented. While doing an Xray, my coworker stated "OK, hold your breath like you're going under water!"

Thankfully the pt didn't seem to grasp the ridiculousness of that statement, but I assure you we all had that immediate pucker - factor moment! What ridiculously hilarious things have you all said that you wished you could take back, but are still somehow humorous?
Oooh, I'll have to think about this one, but I'm sure I have a few!

Say you don't get in report that the new admit from ED is a bilateral BKA/AKA (because that's not why they were admitted) and you're doing your normal admit navigator before assessment and come to the clothing question and ask if they brought shoes worth >50$...

This goes waaay back to my nursing student days while working at a family restaurant. I was bringing the check to the table and realized that I miscalculated and said "Oops, I almost charged you an arm and a leg!"Yep you know it, one customer was an amputee..It was so bad I still cringe about it, 30 yrs later.

Working as an EMT at the time, we were transporting a terminal cancer patient to the hospital for shortness of breath/pulmonary edema. It was very hot in the back of the ambulance, and a paramedic trainee who was with us said "I'm dying in here." The patient looked at him dead-pan and said, "Yeah, so am I."

Patient: I'm sorry. I'm not a very good patient.Me: That's okay, I'm not a very good nurse!(The shut down valve from brain to mouth appears to be nada.)

One of my coworkers talking to me about another nurse: " she's over 60 and still working here! Can you imagine still doing this in your 60s?"My reply: "Hon, I AM doing this in my 60s!"Great laugh watching her flustered reaction!

trust me 6yrs as med.assistant, + 43yrs as RN! 10YR AS RRT!, some "doosies have come out of my mouth"........

lordy, still working at 66yr, but i have tried retiring three times, just keep getting called back,honest as long as cognition and physical ability i will work a while longer, of course this office job i have in rural setting and only working 30-32hr a week helps

I once came in to a patients room (I was helping the RN that was on break) and the patient was visibly agitated post surgery. I medicated for pain. Still agitated. So I turn off the TV, turn down the lights, and say to mom - "Sometimes we just need to decrease stimuli and it helps relieve some of this anxiety." Kid was deaf and blind.

I was walking my blind resident to the dining room. When we bumped into a chair. I said " well if this isn't like the blind leading the blind"

Quote from prnqdayI was walking my blind resident to the dining room. When we bumped into a chair. I said " well if this isn't like the blind leading the blind"

You are all cracking me up! I can't tell you how many times I've had a MVA pt and when pushing them in a stretcher/wheelchair, I'll tell them to keep all arms and legs in because I'm not a good driver. I never learn lol.Years ago I was a hostess and one day I had really bad cramps. I take this couple to a table, set the menus down and say "Enjoy your periods!" Lol, so embarassing!
Author: alice  5-06-2015, 17:51   Views: 3829   
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